Footprints made by Izzy

By IzzyandME


Izzy waiting for her school friends "E & K" aka "the twins!" at gymnastics.

I knew I was pushing my luck changing Izzys gymnastics to after school, she was proper balling her eyes out on the way saying "I am just soooooooooooooooooo tired mummy, I just want to lay down" bless her!

Izzy also says she is NOT going to school tomorrow because she misses me. We are getting up 15 mins early to make each other a special little picture to put in our pockets and to kiss when we miss each other, this was her idea ......... god I love her sensitive little soul!

Oh a funny note: we are walking out if school and Izzy spots a little girl, points at her and says (at the top of her voice!) "that's the naughty girl, she is so naughty allllllll the time" Izzy does pick her moments to find her voice!!

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