A confused genius

By Lez11

Jo and Anna

Another boring day at work. It's interim performance time and all the senior managers are running round like headless chickens trying to get people to do their objectives or provide them with information as they have done f**k all the last 6 months apart from talk bulls**t. It really p**ses me off that they talk credit for everybody else's hard work. As long as I'm a manager of people I'm never going to take credit for others hard work.

I popped round my mate jo's tonight as she has had a baby girl which she has named Anna (pic). Jo and Anna are doing really well and I brought her a few presents which my sister got for me as I'm useless.

Ash phone me tonight and we have decide to go to Bangkok tge end of October for my birthday so I better phone my doctor up and book my hepatitis A and tetanus injections before I go.

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