Crash Bang Wallop!

Started this morning with the customary 5km walk into Fuengirola before running the 5km back to the hotel.

MrsT & L were still in bed!

L wanted to do the 'Big Drop' this morning which is essentially she climbs up a frame that is circa 15m in height then jumps off with a harness attached.

Poor kid froze at the top and after about 10 mins came down the same way she went up.

I don't even think I'd have done it.

After a wee stint st the pool we all headed down the beach at Fuengirola as I'd spotted one of those big inflatable water parks on the beach.

L and I had fun whilst MrsT lay on the beach.

Whilst I had fun it's perhaps not the best for back pain!

On the return journey I stumbled walking up the stairs at the beach and skinned my knee and jarred my already sore back again!

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