Bay of Firth (Day 799)

After a fine wander up the hill this morning, I called a couple of customers who are needing some work done, but ended up speaking to answering machines.
I did a little bit of paperwork until my beautiful wife came home from her work. Before long, HV was heading to Coldomo for horse riding and I went to Stromness to do a couple of little things. I popped in to Crispin's as I was passing and put his house sign up for him. He really is delighted with it. (see the extra)
Back home for lunch with Mrs P, then we took a wander up Wideford Hill with the dogs. I quite like the view over our back garden from up there. We zoomed into town to see if we could get new tyres for my bike - no chance. We were more successful with inner tubes though. HV made Kev at the garage smile by giving him an ice cream. He has diagnosed the problem we are having with the car at the moment and ordered the bit it needs.
Once home, I went along the road and fixed Kev's shower.

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