Merrick and Art

What am I going to do if and when the boy stops posing for me? I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

In our 462 mile journey today, I made several different suggestions on places to stop, but I was immediately vetoed by my daughter. 

"We need to get there. They'll be waiting for us!" (We were picking up two children to spend some time with us.) 

Finally, I could take the nos no more. I made them stop at an artisan's center in Kentucky, a place where Lisa and I always stop at.

They weren't thrilled, but Merrick did pose serious like the bust of Abraham Lincoln, and smiled when I asked him to.

After going the 462 miles, we pulled in at the exact same time as the company we were picking up. Six of us spent the night in a hotel room, including Merrick...who whined..."Why do I have to sleep with Papa? He snores!" 

P.S. The characters in the sand sculpture are Daniel Boone,and again, Abraham Lincoln.

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