Common Spotted Orchid.
Once the plasterer had done his dirty work and departed, leaving Herself just a little bit poorer; it was time for me to visit the surgery for my annual M.O.T. It’s rather a cursory affair: blood pressure – inside the healthy range, ditto B.M.I, smoking – gave up when I left school, alcohol – a pint of shandy when we go for a celebratory meal, urine – it looks the right colour, exercise – yes, one day a week – all day, and blood test done with a blunt needle (I now have a nasty little bruise) – answers next week.
Had a discussion with the nurse about the vaccinations against the likes of TB and polio I had as a school boy; my friend Walker used to complain bitterly as the school was done in alphabetical order – with just the one needle. That would be against the health and safety regulations these days.
Walked back home past the building site where I noticed that the garage I’d Blipped a few weeks ago now looks as though it is a sales office while the first two houses are well under way (see last extra).
I was torn between the common spotted orchid (make up your own puns here) and the Rosa rugose (extra and garden escape?) that are on the old industrial site known as “The Moat” which accommodated the village’s very own coal mine and brick kiln. It’s Flower Friday hosted, as ever, by BikerBear who has come up with the notion of it being themed on the basis of the first letter of your Blip name. Buggrit, how the Hell do I fit TD to either an orchid or a rose?
Finally, I found a disgusting slug eaten mushroom for us all to enjoy.
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