Sorry boys

but these are just for girls.

Highly targeted marketing. I think these were made specifically for me, with my favourite colours and pink packaging.

So I bought two packets. Who can resist new pens?

Well, they were on offer.

In other news;

I am trying to adopt a less selfish, less bullish approach to life in general (not work specifically) after observing some behaviour recently that I found utterly distasteful, particularly for the public nature of it.

I am not being 100% successful, but am trying to listen, trying not to get arsey (although I did slip below my own expectations once today - must try harder) and am definitely not buying into other peoples' dramas.

Get along, agree to disagree, or say nothing at all. This is what I am trying to do.

I reckon I will last a full two days before I return to my normal modus operandi of two faced, backstabbing psychobitch from hell who manages to alienate or upset people without even thinking about it. Haha!

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