Two for the price of one

A Red Admiral and a Comma in the same picture. This was taken at Christian Fields Nature Reserve, just off the by-pass in Lichfield.

Today was raining a bit, then gloomy and overcast - not likely to entice butterflies. And then, not too long before 12.15, the cloud parted a little and it was warm enough for the butterflies to become active.

The Red Admiral wasn't playing. A cursory buzz to check me out, but he had other things to do. A great selection including whites, Meadow Browns, a Ringlet, Gatekeepers, and a little blue that I think was a Holly Blue. (Too high for a Common Blue and the wrong bush)

Not bad for day two of the Big Butterfly Count 2017.

I've been doing this for the past few years and I know I'm better at spotting and identifying them. Consequently, my numbers seen have gone up... I wonder if they count this aspect if the work from volunteers ?

Our weather isn't glorious but it's warm. I think it gets them up and about.

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