Gillipaw's Journal

By Gillipaw

Cat Cat Village, and Mt Fansipan, Vietnam

Day 16

A truly memorable day. We spent the morning at Cat Cat village, learning about tribal life, peeping into open homes, watching weaving, hat making, dance, music, and enjoying dramatic views of waterfalls and water wheels. Difficult walking down muddy, slippery steps and steep paths.

Our first Pho lunch, then off to the new Fansipan Legend. 6km of cable car ride, then 600 steep steps to the top of the highest peak in Indochina. 3143 metres high. What a dramatic experience, and stunning views amongst the clouds. Buddhist temples, and a massive Buddha under construction near the summit. Warnings to take the climb slowly due to the altitude.

Dinner at Le Gecko back in Sapa. More torrential rain this evening, and a power cut. The restaurant had a generator which quickly kicked in.

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