Missing In Action

D went out early to Pleasurewood Hills with Poppy and Daisy for Poppy's birthday treat (#1)
Alf and I were at home all day. I cleared and cleaned the spare room, did 2 loads of washing, cleaned windows, vacuumed, changed beds, put stuff on ebay, bought food for dinner, bought Poppy another birthday present (like she doesn't have enough), went to the post office, dusted, organised the printing of team t-shirts for Hendstock, ordered contact lenses, sorted out the pile of old post, cooked dinner and wrapped up poppy's birthday presents.

Alfie played on his shouty box all day. We interacted at lunchtime when I handed him a sandwich.

Lily left a dead mouse on the path and I trod on it. I can't get the feeling out of my head. It was like stepping on a large, over-ripe grape.

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