Never, ever, ever,
ask your Satnav for the Shortest route.
The site we chose was on a typical Devon Lane. This shot was taken by The Gaffer through the windscreen. Chances are, had we broken down we'd have been unable to open the doors.
A consequence of our choice meant that all the shortest routes looked like this. I thoroughly enjoyed it, all the roads being somewhat reminiscent of a gravid Python. Gaffer was less enamoured of meeting taxis, 4X4s etc. zooming at us around corners. Without exception every-one was courteous and rather "After you-ish".
First stop Canonteign falls, cheatingly referred to as "Home to England's highest waterfall, descending a staggering 220 ft" only by virtue of being manufactured. Still spectacular though. But I thought it was a touch early for another attack of "Fluffy water".
Bit of a battle, bearing in mind a combined age of 141yrs and one of us not "the best of fettles", however we did it in considerably more than the "A reasonable fitness is required and stout shoes or trainers are recommended. The walk takes approx 1 hour and 20 minutes.." they suggested.
Next came Burnham Nurseries & Orchid world. Spoilt for choice with the Orchids, ?20 of them.
So I decided to show the furriner what passes for a road in parts of our fair land.
Some shots may migrate to Flickr© or similar.
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