A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


Thats the only word I can use to describe how I feel. I know I am knackered because I have a cold sore that appeared out of nowhere, I've got spots, a bad back, neck ache and I can't be bothered writing a proper blip entry!

Busy week. done lots - work has been frantic, but excellent. Got my engagement ring back from the jewellers last night which was brilliant - now it fits perfectly, even when my hands are cold. The whole movement of bedrooms to offices and vice versa at home has been achieved, along with strengthening of the joists and some major clearing out. Spent this evening cleaning, dusting, laundry-ing, bleaching the kitchen, scrubbing the bathroom. Two baskets of laundry to put away, and the bed linen to be changed then its wine, bath and bed for me.

So, wine glass on the light box was all I could muster tonight...

Hope everyone has has a good week - will catch up on comments tomorrow.

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