
Tonight my blip buddy Mary Jo and I, along with three of her fun-loving, very energetic granddaughters, joined the Relay for LIfe in downtown Bellingham.  This is a team fundraising event where team members take turns walking around a track in relays for 24 hours to honor loved ones lost to cancer, survivors of the disease and caregivers.  In the evening there's a ceremony where thousands of individually decorated luminarias are lighted in tribute.  

Along the relay route there are a number of opportunities to celebrate a loved-one's life.   My blip is one such opportunity where a star with the loved-one's name is hung on a tree.  Mary Jo was so thoughtful to include my husband's name along with her father's.   My husband died of Alzheimer related causes 13 years ago but since today would have been his 76th birthday she made sure he was honored along with her father.   Thanks, Mary Jo.

I'm afraid I didn't have the stamina to walk for 24 hours.  I'm pretty sure Mary Jo did as she does this every year.  As far as her granddaughters are concerned, they probably never run out of energy based on what I saw!  I put a picture of Lexi showing me some gymnastics routine along the way.

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