probably definately

By chole33


It is absolutely beautiful riding out here in the fall. We are a touch early for the true colors, but it is beautiful anyway and we hit the weather jackpot! Nicely warm for cycling and cool/cold evenings for hot tubbing.

After several years of mt biking up here in the fall we have our method honed. Get up in the morning and eat a ginormous breakfast with massive amounts of bacon. Sit around in a food coma for awhile - either in the hot tub on the patio in the sun. Eat a small lunch if you want and mobilize for biking. The ride is usually relatively short (since we spent all morning too full to ride). Then we prepare a large spread of cheeses, homemade jams, guacamole, chips, hummus, wine, beer, etc and lounge in the hot tub until we decide it is necessary to get out and make some real food for dinner.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

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