a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

Talk Like A Pirate Day

I almost completely missed International Talk Like A Pirate Day today. I found out about 10 in t' evenin' and immediately started trashin' me house t' winkle out somethin' blippable in t' pirate line.

It has t' be said that I don't have an extensive range o' pirate ephemera. There be a bubblewand-cutlass, t' dregs o' a bottle o' rum, and me vikin' helmet. And t' cutlass wouldn't work aesthetically (although I did try), makin' me choose between t' cutlass or t' rum.

And helmet + cutlass = plain vikin'; whereas at least helmet+ bottle o' rum at least has pirate-ish overtones.^^

So instead o' optin' for t' usual pirate fare, I've gone for t' niche pirate vikin' vibe.#

Before t' purists point out vikin's didn't actually go Arrr!, I did think about translatin' into Old Norwegian - while I could certainly do it (Old Norse be similar t' Old English, which I stuwent t' Davy Jones' locker at university** eons ago) it would have taken some time t' do. And how many people on blip read Old Norse anyway?

^^ Did vikings drink rum??
# Except for the bookcase in the background. Ignore that - at that late hour I was damned if I was going to worry about how much reading pirates did in between swabbing decks and whatnot. Let's just say it's a well read viking pirate.
**I'm loving this very talented online pirate translator, for being able to shoehorn a reference to Davy Jones locker into a sentence about university classes).

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