End of Year

....concert for the county wind bands today. It's Katie's first concert with the Intermediate Band. The whole event blew me away. It was held in the grounds of a local stately home. It was a beautiful afternoon, hundreds of people turned out with their picnic blankets & parasols for a wonderfully relaxed afternoon of fantastic music. She was absolutely delighted to discover B had come with her husband, as well as Grandad and Granny,to support her. The novelty of having her home hasn't worn off yet, she enjoyed lots of snuggles and nattering -as well as some hiding under Granny's umbrella as a parasol. 

We'd had a really busy morning at church as today we moved out of our current premises as well as holding a church lunch - all jobs that largely fall to me - so the afternoon was exactly what was needed. Her band were great and she absolutely loved their performance. I toyed between the two images for her blip but I loved this one as it made me smile to see my little 7year old barely taller than her seated bandmates. Its very cute to see. Once seated, she absolutely holds her own with her friends, some of whom are twice her age as well as twice her height. Great job, tiny girl. 

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