
Suddently a warm day +26c

First I decided to chill out in garden only, but soon realized how beautiful day it is. Then decided to jump on my bicycle and give my knees some excersice.

I did accidentally ride some 31km route with very many pit stops.. I noticed that I am going to my dream route that I only seldom have done. It follows the lake side of Pyhäjärvi via Pirkkala

In the blip there is one of my pitstops. This was in Härmälä area. Near this small boat harbour there was also a place to wash carpets. Idyllic, eh?

A splendid day for every sunday activity you can imagine. On my journey I saw many families with small children staying, having picnic or playing on the parks and having relaxed time.

Bicycling is so lovely way to move around now, as walking has become more or less painful for my knees.


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