
Today's the day ......................... to generate 

Next time you're heading north from Kendal on the A6, keep a look out for this former electrical sub-station on the left side of the road - just as you reach Shap summit.

It looks innocent enough, but I have it on good authority that once a month, when the moon is full, it will be crammed to the rafters (if it has rafters) with would-be jazz musicians enthusiastically jamming along on whatever instrument they have brought with them.  The session goes on late into the early hours - and as there is no realistic chance of driving home once a few bevvies have been downed, everyone brings a campervan or a tent - or somewhere to sleep.

Participation is only open to invited guests - and the company is very select.  I'm sure they all have a whale of a time - and let's face it - there are no neighbours anywhere near, likely to be disturbed ........................  

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