Swarm comb

Up early and walked Juno and Caley up the hill with company.

Headed to allotment to harvest onions and shallots. Managed to find some ripe tummelberries which were lovely.

Headed to hive that was from one of my nucs. Strange going on in the hive, no eggs and larvae but sealed brood with loads of bees. I must of damaged the queen when setting up hive. A few queen cells so the bees are trying to sort it out.

Out to woodland apairy. One hive still not right, queen cell uncapped but could not find the queen.

Home and down to eco mums plot for strawberry harvest.

Dropped off at apairy, quick check of hives all look ok with bees and brood, still worried about one but will investigate later.

Mentor mentioned a swarm that was in a tree on Saturday, we did not think it would still be there. High up in a Hawthorne tree. I headed home for ladder , skep, long pole and saw.

Set up the hive for the swarm and started gardening carefully cutting away branches. It was unnerving being 15 ft up a ladder looking at a mass of bees just out of reach.

Skep tied to long pole and swarm shaken into skep. Bees started fanning so looks like queen captured.

Let them settle and shoke them onto hive board and they all crawled in.

Home late for tea.

This is the comb I rescued from the tree. Amazing.

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