David Brown 885

An unusual day. A while ago I blanked out appointments for today and tomorrow so I could go to a conference. My commitment to going is shown by not having registered before the price went up, and not arranged accommodation or airfares. So I've ended up with a couple of days with no appointments.

The aim for today was to spend the day on a couple of reports that need doing. working from home. Just after 0900 the computer, the lights, and every other electrical gadget went off. A power outage. Checked with Vector (the line company) whose automated response informed S that they knew what it had caused it and power would be restored by 1130.

Okay, then. Lets go to the office. We could get some coffee there as well as me doing the reports. The garage door in the apartment building is electrically controlled. Now I had been told how to deal with this situation. But could I remember many months later? No. Rang (thanks be for mobile phones) the garage door people. "Gosh that's an old system", and the building's only 10 years old!

There should be a chain, he said. A tiler doing some work in the building thought he knew where the chain might be. He was right, and he worked out how to open the door, and off went we two coffee deprived people, a woman with her two dogs (very barky dogs) to give them a walk, and a young mother, her baby and her mother. Feel very grateful for helpful, and useful men. Every building should have at least one.

Got to the office. No power cut there, even though in the same area. Coffee and report under way. Then back home for S to be able to collect Mr H from school. With all the kerfuffle I'd only managed the one report. But somewhat satisfied with the day.

Except that... I had yet to have my run. I'd put it off, intending to go at midday, but we weren't at home for me to do so. Well I could do it before we headed north for a long weekend at the beach house. But then we'd be into the heavy after work traffic and arrive in the dark.

So travel first, and run second. On a thin strip of land between the house of its owner and a vacant section (which until sold about three or four months ago was where this tractor rested) is a David Brown 885 tractor. It also has a Case badge on it, indicating that this one was built after 1972 which is when Case bought David Brown. The 885 was built between 1971 and 1980.

The boat is a McClay Fisherman, or so it says on its side (see large).

EDIT: I have just seen my daughter's entry on FB wherein she expressed joy at Mr H's dancing and happiness in the school concert. Some months ago he was too shy to talk in front of his class. So this is mighty.

So this tractor picture is dedicated to my brave and talented grandson, Mr H.

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