Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

Sand Castles at St Cyrus

My sister's friend, Dot, had arrived for a girly weekend. After a late night, doing what women do best, this morning started with a slow rise, late breakfast and continuation of the conversations of the night before. There were no plans as to what to do for the day but Dot, who lives on the west coast, had ideas.

We headed for Perth to find a jeweller and after a walk around the centre we headed for a completely different scene. A friend had recommended a visit to Steptoe's Yard, which describes itself as 'the only museum where everything is for sale'.

Museum...mmnnn. Not an apt description! Multiply every boot sale you have ever seen by ten or twenty and you have it! At St. Cyrus, just north of Montrose, a farm has been converted into a major junk shop. Barns, outhouses and new buildings contain just about anything you can image that could or would have graced, I use the last word tongue in cheek, a house or garden, and in huge quantities. What doesn't fit into buildings lies outside, exposed to the elements. If you want it and have the time to search, it must be there. In amongst the junk there were some very interesting and tempting items. I can understand why antique dealers home in on it like pigeons.

Dot and I both docked the same painting. I couldn't add one single item to my home at the moment but Dot asked the price. £35 pounds was far too much to pay in there. Dot offered £25. No haggling. We were surprised that with thousands of framed picture laying stagnant it was preferable to loose a sale rather than take off a few quid. They didn't just loose that sale. We walked out without spending twopence.
The place was, however, heaving and more than sufficient sales will be made every day. Back home, curiosity made look at their ebay shop. It's astounding to see the quantity they manage to shift. A crazy business idea that has made a mint. But what will they do with the remains in a yard that is constantly growing?

Not far from Steptoes is a wonderful beach and the St. Cyrus nature reserve. Whilst Dot soaked up the sun on the sand, Fiona and I had a thoroughly enjoyable walk along the full length of the beach with the dogs. Sand Martins swooped over the grasses, Gullimots bobbed on the waves and the little cave at the end of the beach was stunningly beautiful. It's a well used but not crowded beach and the thriving wildlife is very visible.

I loved seeing this little boy trying to repair his sand castles, as quick as the tide demolished them.

We raced home under the setting sun, arriving just in time to pick up mother to go to see Anna Karenina. I enjoyed it immensely, despite it's critics. I very rarely watch a film so my opinion can hardly count!

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