Upside down, your turning me.............
I was up really early, (for me anyway) as J had a dentist's appointment before 9 o'clock. He dropped me off in the car park, and I walked over to the gym. I walked the scenic way, scouting for a blip, and I saw this butterfly,and was so engrossed, I didn't see that a car had had to stop, (the lane is really narrow) but they waited patiently for me to finish taking my photos. I was very happy to get my blip done so early in the day. I phoned J as when I had finished, and he was waiting outside in the car park for me. As soon as we got home, the phone rang, and it was our g/daughter to tell me that the Next sale stuff had arrived, so we went down to collect it. Getting up so early has made the day really long, but the downside is, I will probably be falling asleep much earlier tonight.
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