Birthday Boy

Thanks for all your good wishes for Leo's birthday. He had a great day, even though he had to go to school.

They moved up to their new classes this week so that they are all set up ready for the new term in September. He likes his new teacher so hopefully he'll be in for a good year in Hawk class.

He was a very lucky boy and had all sorts of lovely pressies and he got to wear some of his new footie boots and clobber to training this evening. It was a lovely evening to be outside, apart from the flying ants which were rather pesky!

One of Leo's pressies is clearly going to drive us mad. It is called Fantastic Gymnastic and you have to get the gymnast swinging around the bar and then release him at the right time so he lands upright. Leo has managed it once, the rest of us have almost knocked the poor gymnast senseless as he lands in a heap - or skids off the counter top and plunges to the floor! Here is how it is meant to work - it is nowhere near as easy as it looks!

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