Shine a light

Firstly can I thank you all for the love on yesterdays image :)

Today I felt a bit rough so when I got home I did a few little jobs, had dinner, then went for an evening stroll to try and blow off the cobwebs.

I am so lucky to have a canal almost on my doorstep. There is something about canals that amazes me, the fact that they are a environment within an environment...if that makes sense?!!? You can be in the heart of an industrial area but the canal and towpath seem to be a sanctuary for wildlife and nature to thrive in. A real easy way to escape the technological world we live in, so go on find a canal near you and enjoy it. 

On my walk I stumbled upon a tog in full camo gear with a huge lens sitting just off the path. I imagine he was trying to capture foxes or badgers as when I walked in front of him there were lots of food pellets and treats along the path. 

Mr Bo Hingles

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