Day of the Triffids!!

Another gorgeously sunny and warm fact hot!!

I was on the road just before 10 to meet sis at our Pilates class......even though its not overly exerting, we did work up a bit of a glow this morning!!

After class we went to wont be long now before the sale is complete. Sis has called several times and been able to give alot of things away to someone who fundraising for their needs a new roof. The hospice are going to collect mums reclining chair from her bedroom, plus one or two other smaller items of furniture. The beds have gone to good homes. The buyers wanted her black leather suite, its still immaculate and was expensive when mum and dad bought it.
It felt slightly strange seeing it so empty....just a shell now really :-/

I did bring home a wooden box that holds CDs....our youngest made it with his grandad for one of his woodwork projects at school. I think he might like to keep it.....if not, I will :-)

Sis and I had lunch in M&S, I bought a couple of tee shirts in the sale.......its no wonder they have racks and racks of garments in the sale, its all pretty horrible, frills, ruffles, frayed edges, large bold prints.....not my idea of style!

A bit of shopping in Sainsburys, then back to sis's house cor a quick brew, a play with Kobi, who is growing by the minute!!

It was 29degrees when I was on the motorway heading home!! I stopped off to collect Emily from after school club, as she is staying overnight with us, mum has a very important business meeting in the morning so is away on business. Our garden is ready for some is forecast, so I thought a quick blip of my white agapanthus just beginning to open. This is a much more mature plant than the blue one I blipped earlier this week, it actually has 30 flower spikes!!

We had an early tea then jumped in the car and,popped round to daughters so we could plant up Emily's window boxes on her wendy house. She watered them in when they were done........they looked pretty, the pink against the grey of the shed.

Back home for hour for chillig and reading for Emily before bedtime.....then a bit of peace and quiet for us, hopefully, before bed ;-))

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