Back to normality ....

A day of activity. After falling in to bed at 4am and back out at 7 am it was a slow start !
A neighbouring farmer in for another 2 loads of bruised barley then a day spent sowing fodder rape. The tramlines weren't as straight as they could have been, but the seed is all in the field somewhere ! By tonight it was all rolled and waiting the forecast rain.
The spray contractor on the phone saying they hope to spray off the winter barley this week if the weather allows. Then it will be 10 to 14 days and ready to harvest. Looks like it will be ready before we are ready for it. Don't have an empty shed yet as the wool not away to the mill at Galashiels yet as only finished shearing on Saturday.
A lot of jobs needing done all at once , as usual ! Well and truly out of holiday mode now !

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