today I went to

By Beau

yesterdays post

This old postbox brought back an old memory for me. In fact it had nothing to do with stamps and letters but it was about the trouble I got into one day.
Outside the post office in Bletchley someone installed a chilled milk machine. I think this was about 1958 and was quite a novelty then. Maybe it was tetra pack I am sure that it can't have been a bottle, but whatever it was you could buy chilled milk at anytime of the day or night. I was sent to buy milk from this machine and put my sixpence in the slot and pushed the button. Then I took my milk home and discovered , to my mothers anger that I had got strawberry flavour (there was also chocolate as well as normal milk). Maybe someone had wrongly loaded the machine or I had pushed the wrong button I shall never know but my punishment was to drink tea with strawberry milk so that my Dad would be able to have my breakfast milk for his cup of tea. Anyway it is a nice picture of a postbox!

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