Still Need Rain

I have had another busy day, starting with morning tea with my photography friends.  From there I went to Bremner Bay where I got this photo.  We still need a lot of rain (which is promised), as the lake level is still very low.  This afternoon I walked through the park to clock up 8,000 steps, then into town to photograph the time line tile for 1969.  It has been pretty warm for winter - +14C.

Blip No. 1969

NZ news 1969

The voting age was lowered from 21 to 20.
Coverage of the Apollo 11 moon landing on videotape was flown from Sydney to Wellington by the RNZAF and a microwave link was put together to allow its simultaneous broadcast throughout the country.
5 November:  the first Network News bulletin was read at 7.35 p.m. by Dougal Stevenson and received simultaneously around the country.

Famous NZers born in 1969

Michael Campbell, golfer  :  Brendon Pongia, basketballer and TV presenter  :  Simon Doull, cricketer  :  Rachel Hunter, model  :  Chris Harris, cricketer  :  

Pop songs 1969

Sweet Caroline, Neil Diamond  :  Bad Moon Rising, Creedence Clearwater Revival  :  In the year 2525, Zager and Evans  :  In the Ghetto, Elvis Presley  :  A Boy named Sue, Johnny Cash  :  

World News 1969

1st Women's Australian Open, Margaret Court beats Billie Jean King
This is Tom Jones debuts in ABC TV
Sirhan Sirhan is convicted of assassinating US Senator Robert F Kennedy.
Indianapolis 500 Mario Andretti wins.
Johnny Cash Show debuts on ABC TV
1st Moon Landing, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin from Apollo 11, 530 million watch live global broadcast.
Woodstock Music and Art Fair opens in NY State
Brazilian soccer icon Pele scores his 1,000th goal

Famous people born in 1969

Jennifer Lopez, (47), Pop Singer  :  Jennifer Aniston (48), TV Actress  :  Cate Blanchett (48), Movie Actress  :  Catherine Zeta-Jones, (47), Movie Actress  :  Renee Zeillweger, (48), Movie Actress  :  

Rain is in the forecast, we'll just to have and wait and see!

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