Tractors coming and going

Dear Diary,

I came across this display of tractors in a field, green on one side and red on the other, and just had to stop and photograph the "face off".  It did look like two sports teams lining up to do battle.  After I got by that analogy, I realized that this man probably collected tractors and was just displaying them for people to see.  There was no "for sale" sign evident.

I know another man in my town that collects tractors.  There is a fascination for them around here.  I worry about finding space for my small collections, imagine coming home and saying to the wife, "Honey, I just bought another John Deer!"  I can imagine her reply too, "I am not dusting the darn thing!"

Yesterday was brutally hot and humid.  It just drains the life out of me.  I really want to ride up to Rockland to see the Wyeth exhibit and visit the Olson house but it is 2 1/2 hours away so I'll see if I am up to it.  It should be a bit cooler on the coast though so that might be an incentive.

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