Awful weather

so I stayed in and tidied up before I leave tomorrow for my weekend away. I did try and sort some stuff out but didn't.I had nothing to Blip but came across these items. Years ago on Ancestry I came across details of my great uncle who I knew had ended up in America.Nothing was heard about him after that. I discovered his daughter living in San Francisco and was invited there in 2008.She gave me a copy of the Menu which was her dad's favourite restaurant. We went there and also to the Japanese Tea Gardens where I sat on the same spot as her Dad had years before. As I was coming downstairs I stood on the hoover plug which I had left lying about.Slid down the first landing which luckily only has 6 treads.I only banged my head so I'm OK. I was then told I should look where I'm going  :( BTW the hoover plug wasn't on the bridge stairs :(

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