Tombland Cathedral side, Norwich

From the top of the double decker bus - i had the front seat going home at 5.35. I had a choice, but the child in me thought it would be nice to see where I was going (I knew where I was going, but you know what I mean)

My extra is James and the Giant Peach, I mean strawberry tart. It wasn't such a good photo of my friend, so he was relegated to the extra today. He won't be happy, but he won't know unless one of you tell him! He doesn't read my blip unless prompted! Sorry James, but today you were only second best to some of Norwich's historical features.

Work is proving a challenge, mainly because there is so much. I'm determined not to start to feel the way I did in Cambridge. But saying that I didn't escape until 5.30.

Home, cooked a curry, tidied a bit and that's it. Evening over. Now I bet I've missed something good on TV. Oh well.

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