Forton services (again)

Was it only Monday that I was talking about having a love for inanimate objects? I rarely drive past this fellow without wanting to take a photo. In fact, I could probably start a separate, intermittent Blip account that just featured this architectural dreamboat. 

I mean, I get that it's not conventionally beautiful but, tbh, I very rarely find conventional beauty to be truly, deeply, intrinsically beautiful. In fact, I would go so far as to say that the greater the number of people that find an artefact beautiful, the more superficial the beauty must be. (Obvs, this doesn't apply to Eno's 'Music For Airports', which we can *all* find sublime without diminishing its intrinsic beauty.)

I have a pipe dream in which I crowdfund a glittered, iron, external spiral staircase - with fairy lights - that circumnavigates the structure as it descends from top to bottom, which would satisfy the fire regulations and enable the restaurant at the top to open again. And maybe add a train station for it, too.

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