Scarlet Haberdashery

By Haberdashery


This looks a little like a scene from a fairy tale, depicting where the evil queen would live. It is in fact one of the rather stunning buildings that make up Manchester University. I'm struggling to get it into my head that this is where I now belong (as a certain Mr Anderson would put it). So, a wee wobble today.

I did get to try on my new uniform today - really, no one looks gorgeous in those tunics and high waisted tapered trousers do they? Another sign that this midwifery thing is sticking - for in four weeks I will be expected to turn up on placement in my shiny new uniform. Sadly no old fashioned cape and flattering stretchy belt.

Think I'm coming down with fresher's flu (or at least my glands are up), so vitamin c for me and an early night. I'm not impressed with all the rain so far - I thought The South was more climate?

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