Well, What A Bummer

You've got to love peaches eh? They seem to be at bargain prices all over the show at the moment, five or six for a pound. Peanuts. (Peanuts? no idea how much peanuts are, wouldn't thank you for the blighters). So, here's an impressionist-esque (ie Renoir or Cezanne not Mike Yarwood - there's a cultural reference for the kids!) snap of my fruitbowl at work. Must try eating some of it instead of photographing it.

The trouble with peaches though is that you buy them rock hard and from thereon in the timeline goes:
not ripe
not ripe
not ripe
not ripe
not ripe
not ripe
not ripe
not ripe
nearly ripe
nearly ripe
shit, too late.

Peaches, The Stranglers, 1977

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