
By Mumzi

Thank God for the Dutch!

A cold front was rolling in , so the dogs and I headed to the vineyards early this afternoon, it was busy with farm workers, tractors and there was a children's party taking place at the restaurant, the parents were celebrating with champagne and why not ?. But one little girl followed me as I snaped the stone commerating the Dutch having produced the first wine here in South Africa..
" In commemoration of 350 years of viniculture in South Africa, this stone was unveiled at Groot Constantia , the oldest wine producing farm on 2 nd Febuary. 2009.
On 2nd February 1659 the diary of the Cape Dutch East India Co. Commander recorded " Thanks be to God. Today wine was made in the Cape for the first time!" thank God the Dutch made wine here, and delicious it is too.
And this wee sausage was reading the stone to Henry and Twigs! All of two years old, much to the amusement of us all!

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