
By Nikksnacks

A-Z food challenge: D is for Dominican Republic

I wanted to cook something a bit different tonight, so when I came across this recipe for Mangú, I knew it was a winner. Mangú is a traditional Dominican dish made for breakfast. Made by boiling & mashing unripe plantains, you then add salt and butter to create a really unusual savoury style porridge. This is then topped with sauteed onions in a fruit vinegar.

The recipe I followed suggested serving it with scrambled eggs or fried cheese. Since we were having it for dinner, I went with the fried cheese, which should be a queso de freir. Oddly, however, they didn't have this at Tesco, so I had to substitute with haloumi.

I really enjoyed the flavour of this one. If you like unusual tastes, definitely give it a go.

Tomorrow's challenge is E for Egypt, with a couple savoury dishes to indulge in over dinner.

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