
More churros for breakfast (I sense an unhealthy pattern emerging here already), followed by a leisurely stroll along the Paseo de Parque – all parrots and palm trees, surprisingly tranquil given the traffic shooting by on either side – to the shiny new Malaga branch of the Pompidou Centre. Unfortunately it’s closed on Tuesdays (and too shiny and new to feature in our 2015 Rough Guide to Andalucia) so we walked back along the harbour and went to CAC (Centro de Arte Contemporaneo) Malaga instead. It’s a really good gallery in a big converted market building on the river with a good emphasis on contemporary Spanish artists – I particularly liked a room full of large-scale photographic reproductions of Spanish Old Masters – and there was some quite diverting entertainment in the efforts of a couple of teachers to block any entry of their students into a room featuring some large paintings of an inappropriate nature. Afterwards we went to El Cortes Ingles to look for a Malaga football shirt for Tom and for the air conditioning and then we went and had a look at the Jardines de Picasso (him again) before heading back to the hotel to check out Beck’s idea that we’d be able to combine our siesta time with live coverage of the Tour de France. Later on there was more paella…

my contribution... to urban blues

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