Dunster Dahlias

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Thank you so much for all the lovely Birthday wishes & words of encouragement. It was indeed a day of very sad emotions, but happy ones too. Dad & I had a wonderful time at Porlock Weir & will be going back when we need a break from it all & perhaps stay for 2 nights, or even 3 nights (someone needs to look after Larry though that's the only trouble!).

We decided to go to Dunster Castle in Somerset - use our National Trust membership, the last place we went which was NT was a place in Cornwall in 2010 with mummy, so, again, hard to go to a place I knew she would have enjoyed seeing & she not there with us. I don't think I've ever seen so many dahlias before in my life! And what a welcome relief too, as summer is all but over (er, what summer?) & the sun shone & they looked so good! Esp against the church too! One of those perfect picture postcard moments!

As for Larry...

I was getting anxious!

Back to gardening tomorrow, back to normality. Although both of us are shattered, so earlier to bed then usual & anyway, I bought myself a Somerset book of ghost stories, whichever county I visit I always buy a book of local ghost stories.... yeah, I'm strange like that! :) xxx & mostly zzz ;)

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