Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Albury Produce Show

Blipped on 21/7/17.

We are here for this annual event!! Think we first attended in 2013 and have only missed one year since. A lovely, village fair and I am always fascinated going round the main tent and seeing the competition entries. This year, I am only blipping the vegetable. There were some gorgeous flower displays too (see extra).

We invited Shabnam and her son to travel down from London to experience a typical village show; and I am glad to report, they both enjoyed it, especially the dog race at the end. They couldn't get over the small(er) scale of things here [we live in Dubai :( ], in fact, I was reading up on line about the competition for growing vegetables, baking etc. and even in 2017, the winners get £2, runners up £1 and third place 50p! Incredible!.

Showed off the Lodge to our guests (I had spent a good part of the morning getting cobwebs off the outside), and then, had an early dinner at Gomshall Mill, before dropping them off at Surbiton as it was too long a wait for the next train at Clandon.

First day of the first weekend over so quickly. The weather, I have to say, was perfect! Overcast and cool. :)  And prior to the show, we popped into Shere Co-op to collect the 3 data SIM I ordered. Having checked the prices on the High Street on Thursday afternoon, I was so happy to find a SIM online that is 12GB for £23 and allows tethering! Sorted now for data. :D

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