Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

At the End of her Rope

Piper had another great swim Thursday morning (I'm still posting a day behind).  Here is her dad unwinding the last of her 50 ft (about 15 m) swim rope and way out there is her white head barely above the water.  She swims out until the rope is tight and then goes back and forth chasing the splashes from the rocks we throw in the water.  We still have hopes of her someday learning to retrieve.  We throw sticks and she swims to them and takes them in her mouth and then just lets them go no matter how much we encourage her to bring them back.  She must think the goal is reaching it instead of returning with it.  She's really pretty smart and has caught on to almost everything we've tried to teach her but she just doesn't get the fetching thing.  But we all have lots of fun and that's what counts! :-))

We will be heading home tomorrow (Saturday)  :'(

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