A HasBean

After bumping into Scobes and Stig, then Sir Chris, L and I set off to find a some more coffee.* As luck would have it, a new establishment had just opened this very afternoon - one that I had been following the progress of - so we nipped in.

Great coffee, a bespoke espresso bean blend from master roasters HasBean - I'll definitely be back for more. L appreciated the attention given to her tea, with brew temperature and length measured until it was time to pour. Oh, and the Vicky sponge wasn't bad either.

Check them out - Brew Lab on South College Street.

* double espresso with breakfast (where: in the flat; beans: Nude Coffee's house blend East), flat white with Scobes, Stig and L, followed by a mocha shortly after (where: Wellington's; beans: Square Mile's Red Brick espresso blend) - I may not sleep tonight

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