Sweet pea delight

After our adventures yesterday, a much quieter day today, we have been clearing up the hedge in our shared common area garden and have already filled up 6 large waste bags with greenery and dead material. P, the man we pay for four hours a week is supposed to look after it but he only likes doing things that involves machinery like cutting the grass or using the blower to blow the leaves out onto the road, When I went to pick up two pictures we have had framed from a local shop, I noticed a vase of sweet peas which the owner said had been given to her by a friend. Lots of people had remarked about the multicoloured ones. I will have to investigate if they can be bought as seeds. We have had several showers today but nothing like the deluge we experienced yesterday. I have nearly caught up with the washing as everything had to be washed even if it was clean as it all got wet.

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