
So we're staying in a villa with a pool for a week now, in some residential community place round a lake where ibis and the like wander around, as well as a lone wood stork. Plus there's some turtles bobbing around we can see as well, all pretty nice. Consequently, we pottered around at home for much of the day enjoying the sun and frequent dips in the aforementioned pool.

Went to Magic Kingdom in the evening via a convoluted route involving Disney Springs, the Contemporary Resort and a monorail ride, which started from within the fifth floor of the hotel, all quite Blade Runner really with futuristic balconies and folk dining as we whooshed past them. And the beauty of this Florida climate is that by the time you've got back from the evening's entertainment, it's still a very warm 80°F, perfect for an alfresco cool drink or two and a late night swim to round things off.

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