Las Setas

The girls got breakfast pancakes made to order so we'd have been forgiven for staying in Ronda all morning but we were keen to get on to Seville. Again, the drive itself was fine (this comes, of course, from the perennial passenger) but the arrival in the city was itself was a bit more stressful - the tiny sidestreets of the Macarena, where we were staying, were tight and confusing and the hotel parking was nowhere to be seen so the girls had to circle the block several times whilst I sorted it out on foot. Eventually we just handed car keys and passports to random friendly Hotel Staff and signed whatever was put in front of us  without reading any of it - just happy to have arrived safe in a cool tiled oasis and been brought a tray of orange juice. When we'd recovered sufficiently we strolled into town along the Alameda de Hercules and joined the queues to get into the Cathedral. Despite trying to pass Katie off as a fourteen year-old to get her in for nothing we were forced to pay the student rate and she's been moaning about the "money-hungry Catholics" ever since. Afterwards we strolled about aimlessly, stopping for ice cream near the Plaza Alfalfa and eventually wandered by accident into the Plaza de la Encarnacion with it's amazing Millennial 'Setas', or mushrooms, a weird, undulating 'wood-waffle' structure with a walkway on top - and deep chequerboard shadows beneath. Later on we wandered round the old City Walls by the Macarena Gate and then explored the town some more - ending up eating curious Moorish pastries in the Murrillo Gardens before finding our way back to Las Setas for an evening drink... 

I've been reading this book about Motown...

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