What it isn't
A Chatham Island forget-me-not is what it isn't. Bergenia cordifolia is what it is. Just goes to show how you can be wrong sometimes. The foliage is a bit similar but that's as far as it goes.
Anyway there was a training meeting up at Old Government House today, and I dutifully attended. I have to get my head around the garden and there is an awful lot of work to do. However with a willing band of volunteers, we will work miracles.
Although cold, it really was a glorious day - a bit different today which is foggy and raining again.
We need the rain..... we need the rain: This is my mantra every winter when I get fed-up with the cold weather. And you Northerners might think that we Southerners don't know the meaning of cold, I have to tell you that Adelaide has a very special kind of cold which inflicts misery. Yes, it does!!
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