we went for a drive over to burn o' vat despite the rain - it was nice warm summer rain anyway. what an ace place. we climbed up stream as far as we could pretending to be in lord of the rings, looking for beasties (many black slugs and one dead frog) and telling terrible jokes. peggy had the obligatory huff on the way back, brought on by nothing but surging hormones. we went to buchanan's for tea on the way back - ace food, love it there. beefy ended up having two main courses - here he is realising that the cheese board he ordered for 'pudding' was actually a whole spanish meat and cheese main course. he managed, of course.

we bagged mel shand's lovely anchor in banchory on the way home. that's five I've got so far...and I've booked the trip to shetland in august woohoo!

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