A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Am thinking I could turn this into a food blip as I am confident that is something that will feature consistently in my life. Searching around the kitchen for inspiration for a new toast-topping (being out of bananas which is my favourite) I tried out sliced pear. Those bananas had better watch out.

Today's activities mainly feature a quick meeting and load of photocopying at school for a Barn Dance event I am involved in organising. Then biking over the river to chase my biggest little nephew around whilst his mom looks after the two week old. Back home for an afternoon of work and some training for my new job. Which I am a little more relaxed about today after an evening of reading and feeling a little more like I might know what I'm doing. Just as buzzed though.

Later still there will be Purple Diamonds, shipping J off for a sleepover at the Science Museum and getting ourselves ready for a night out in our favourite local boozer / restaurant with new friends. I love all my 'old' friends dearly (especially the ones who read blip obviously) but I still find it quite exciting to make new friends.

Happy Friday!
Lesley x

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