
Wow awesome day today. Phoebe woke us up at 6:06 am to remind us that she is now 6!

We all went downstairs to open her presents. She was over the moon with her furby and new scooter. We had breakfast then headed to the village hall to set up for her party.

Everyone had a great time. The Creation Station did a fantastic job of entertaining the children. They decorated treasure boxes and made clay models. Everyone was so well behaved and the lady commented on what a super group of children they are. The food went down well but I didn't get much time to chat as I was running around handing out drinks, sausage rolls and cakes for children and adults! The cake looked amazing and Phoebe was proud as punch when we all sang happy birthday.

The cousins all came back to ours afterwards and helped Phoebe open even more presents. She received some really wonderful gifts from her friends and was very excited to get her first Lego set. The children played all afternoon and James popped the champagne for the adults and we all overdosed on cake!

A great day to celebrate my baby girl turning 6. I still can't believe she is growing up so quickly. She's had the time of her life today and that's the best present for me.

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