Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

A Plan

Went to bed early last night planning to rise at 7 this morning to clean the house, bath the dogs, and finally write my 750 word essay for philosophy class tomorrow evening. Well, my dogs went bananas barking in the kitchen at 3.30am as they spotted a fox in the back garden. So nothing to do but come down and let them out to race around the garden until Vince decides any intruder in his garden is gone (about 20 mins).  I am now wide awake - I then let the dogs in who promptly fall fast asleep - their work dome.

Ok so that's grand.  No more sleep for me til about 6.   Got up at 9. The dogs didn't get bathed, I managed to hoover the house but it's now 7.15pm and essay isn't even started. Compare and contrast the 2 philosophies - Epicureanism and Stoicism.
Ok one says Pleasure is the only good, the other says Virtue is the only good (13 words - 737 to go)

Philosophical thought for the Day - Make your Plans but don't get upset if things don't go according to plan

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