
By jellycat72


Another hot and sunny day in Perthshire.

Our new favourite, campfire breakfast burritos, eaten in the sun, while watching a wee bird enjoy the leftovers.

We also spotted a red kite, hovering above the woods nearby. I managed a rubbish picture on my phone, and by the time I'd got the Nikon out, and zoom lens attached, it had buggered off.

After clearing away our dishes, slapping on the sun cream and zipping up the tent, we headed into Crieff in the car.

We had a wander about, picked up a few things , popped into one of the hotels, on the off chance the owner, an old friend, might be in (he wasn't), and sat in his beer garden for a while, as the kids played on the swings and I thrashed them at boules.

Back to the campsite for lunch and some reading, then back up to the pond for more paddling, raspberry picking, and general relaxation.

Once down the hill, we went to the well stocked shop on site and bought ice creams. Comrie Croft is a busy place - not just campers, but loads of folk using the bike shop and tracks, as well as those just popping up to visit the tearoom.

Another evening spent round the fire, reading and drinking. I could get used to this.

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